Monday, December 19, 2011

"Kings and governments may err, but never Mr. Baedeker!"

Ok, so as most of you already know, the title of this blog references the popular travel guide of the early 19th-century and its mention in E.M Forster's Room with a View (simply known as a "Baedeker"). Collecting these rare vintage guides from local flea markets is one of my great enjoyments and TODAY I found one while searching through Les Bouquinistes. If you've been to Paris, you're sure to have seen these booksellers and their green stalls along the Seine. These bouquinistes have been a staple in Paris since the mid-1500s, when shops and stalls lined most of the bridges along the river. Having found a new Baedeker in such a place only adds to its charm! (Not to mention the fact that I haggled my way to get a bon marché!) #SuchAPro

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