I'm officially in Paris and consider it my duty to keep you updated on this beautiful city. First allow me to apologize for neglecting you for the past few months. Things were pretty hectic during my preparations for Paris, and I was only just able to connect to the internet yesterday. C'est la vie!
Well, Paris has been wonderful. A friend just recently asked me what my favorite memory in Paris is so far, and I found it quite difficult to answer. The city is "FABULOUS, SIMPLY FABULOUS"--to quote my world-traveling, Berkeley-hippie, absolutely FABULOUS aunt--and it's rather difficult to choose among a walk down the Champs-Elysees, a sun bath in les Jardins du Luxembourg, a visit to the Musee D'Orsay, a barbaric consummation of crepes on Montparnasse, a night pilgrimage to the Sacre Coeur, or un recontre d'amour in Versailles. (For those of you with vivid imaginations--those persons to whom I tease--the love of which I speak is between myself and art). So to answer the question and attempt to quickly brief you on any escapades in Paris I must say that my favorite memory is a combination of such; it's a combination of walking through Paris, its monuments, its architecture, and knowing that I am walking among the ghosts of Louis XIV, Alexandre Dumas, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Manet, Baudelaire, Fragonard, Picasso, and yes even Maurice Chevalier (he, of course, always obliges me with the soundtrack and narration during these ethereal strolls). It's an amazing feeling I can't quite explain--AND NOT AT ALL X-FILES! heehee
I'm am determined to become fluent in French within the next 2 years and am thus beginning my quest. Additionally, I am here to research a possible thesis topic for next year since my Art History major is focused in French art. And who am I kidding...right up on the top of the list is FIND A FRENCH BOYFRIEND! Honestly, the men here are so good-looking that it makes every metro ride seem like a GQ photo spread. Ooo La La!
I have decided to begin every post after this with a discussion topic ("Why the French Don't Know What a Pug Is" for instance) and will then transition into my follies,flirtations,fascinations, and (f)otos in France. LOTS TO LOOK FORWARD TO; I'll try not to disappoint.
So I would like to end with a link to one of my favorite Parisian scenes from one of my favorite films, Funny Face.This movie is a wonderful combination of things I love about Paris (Photos, Fashion, Music, and Art) The title of the song is "Bonjour, Paris" and includes the talents of Fred Astair, Audrey Hepburn, and Kay Thompson. So enjoy a theatrical and musical tour of Paris at your own convenience!
à bientôt!
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