Friday, December 16, 2011

"Keep good company - that is, go to the Louvre."

While Walking in the Louvre…
Every now and then, I will be posting a section titled “While Walking in the Louvre…” This section will reveal the most random/bizarre thoughts that occurred to me while I was walking through the Louvre’s prized galleries. Please Note: I’ve decided to post only the most entertaining thoughts under this section. The objective is to demonstrate that there are many ways to relate art to your everyday life and to have fun while viewing beautiful masterpieces. I encourage you to MAKE YOUR MUSEUM TRIP PERSONAL! Hope you enjoy this peak at some of my most secrets thoughts.

Location: Le Grande Galerie / Subject: Italian Art

Possible Subtitles:
1. Baby Jesus as Seth Meyers (SNL): Really?! really? I did nothing but good and you voted to kill me? Really?
2. Guilt-tripping: It’s Not Just for Moms Anymore

“This jeune homme would soo be in fashion right now. Hm, probably why his portrait’s in Paris. That reminds me, I really need to buy something with a peter pan collar…ooo and the lace is a good touch.”

 ”Did Disney have some art lovers on hand…I think maybe. Yup, bet that’s why the ’90s Disney films are the best.” (Does anyone think there is a resemblance?! Nah? Think I'm crazy? You Betcha.)

“Now these ladies knew how to rock a brooch! I knew I was in the right profession.” 

“Wait! Isn’t his relative on some American reality show?”

“Riiiight, so I remember this. Finals Week 2010, wasn’t it? Wow, bleak.”

  1. Boltraffio, La Vierge a l’enfant avec saint Jean-Baptiste, 1500
  2. Bronzino, Portrait d’Homme Tenant une Statuette, c. 1540
  3. Corregio, Le mariage mystique de Sainte Catherine, 1526-27 
  4. «Oops,forgot to write down information.»
  5. Messina, Portrait d’Homme, 1475 
  6. Fetti, La Melancolie, c. 1618

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