Night at the Museum
The date was Jan 10th, 2012. It was a cold Tuesday night, and I was just leaving work when my eyes caught lights flashing, a long black carpet, and a line of well-dressed Parisiens outside the Louvre's entrance. Odd, since the museum is completely closed to visitors on Tuesday. Always the inquisitive one, I drew closer for more information--and a better look at some fashionista's gorgeous shoes. Something mischievous was certainly afoot and a foot was definitely displaying something mischievous (really, those shoes were fab). I didn't have the patience to wait in line to find out what exactly was happening so I decided to *Flash the Badge* with an air suggesting that I was someone quite important at the Louvre. !!ChaChing!! Rope Pulled aside, Line Skipped, Immediate and Free Access: Rolling like a VIP. (It was as if I was the high school yard-duty driving thru the halls in my golf cart...power, yo.)
What I soon found inside can only be described as magical: Ladies in Waiting, Walking Mummies, Food, Opera singers, Harpists, Food, Green-Screen Photoshoots, Live Statues, Food, Clowns, Phantoms, Caricature Artists, oh and uh Food. The theme of the Chief Executive Member Appreciation Soiree was Nouveau Regard, and I had certainly gained a new look on things--and some new looks for myself--by the end of the night.
As much as the food seemed to have impacted me, I--sadly--took only one quick snapshot (probably because all my time was spent CONSUMING the food instead). Just let me say, I was in gastronomic heaven for several hours. The night was catered by the foodie-favorite Lenôtre and began with about 30+ varieties of hors d'oeuvres from Briochettes and Ambres to warm quiche lorraine and fresh salmon sliced before your eyes. I'm pretty sure I had almost everything, if not for lack of trying, and I still am unsure what most of it was--besides delicious, that is (and people say you can't get full from finger foods...LOOK OUT, WORLD, Here I come!). The photo below represents just some of the hors d'oeuvres which were present:

I was so stuffed! I had to walk it off in the museum--where I found themed music performances, comedians, and caricature artists in the galleries--and returned to the lobby just in time for the desserts. QUEL MIRACLE! Petits fours, truffles, macarons, chocolates, crêpes, baba cake, etc.
IMAGINE THIS, LADIES: there were so many rich chocolate delicacies that I didn't even have the strength to try everything. I was all choco-ed out! Ammmaaaazzzing. But let me assure you that the food was only a small part of the night's magic. So enjoy browsing the photos below for your very own taste of my night at the museum.
A museum is a place for wonderful adventures, magical experiences, and ghastly surprises... ESPECIALLY AFTER DARK.
Perhaps this ever-so-poignant observation was previously made by an intellectually-stimulating sequel featuring the cinematic artistry of a Mr. Ben Stiller (I'm sure we can all agree that the Oscar slight was merely the result of petty jealousy). BUT, dear reader, it was, indeed, I who experienced the reality of just such a night. *dun, dun, duuuunn*What I soon found inside can only be described as magical: Ladies in Waiting, Walking Mummies, Food, Opera singers, Harpists, Food, Green-Screen Photoshoots, Live Statues, Food, Clowns, Phantoms, Caricature Artists, oh and uh Food. The theme of the Chief Executive Member Appreciation Soiree was Nouveau Regard, and I had certainly gained a new look on things--and some new looks for myself--by the end of the night.
As much as the food seemed to have impacted me, I--sadly--took only one quick snapshot (probably because all my time was spent CONSUMING the food instead). Just let me say, I was in gastronomic heaven for several hours. The night was catered by the foodie-favorite Lenôtre and began with about 30+ varieties of hors d'oeuvres from Briochettes and Ambres to warm quiche lorraine and fresh salmon sliced before your eyes. I'm pretty sure I had almost everything, if not for lack of trying, and I still am unsure what most of it was--besides delicious, that is (and people say you can't get full from finger foods...LOOK OUT, WORLD, Here I come!). The photo below represents just some of the hors d'oeuvres which were present:
I was so stuffed! I had to walk it off in the museum--where I found themed music performances, comedians, and caricature artists in the galleries--and returned to the lobby just in time for the desserts. QUEL MIRACLE! Petits fours, truffles, macarons, chocolates, crêpes, baba cake, etc.
IMAGINE THIS, LADIES: there were so many rich chocolate delicacies that I didn't even have the strength to try everything. I was all choco-ed out! Ammmaaaazzzing. But let me assure you that the food was only a small part of the night's magic. So enjoy browsing the photos below for your very own taste of my night at the museum.
Me, dressed as Leonardo da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa.
(They had female costumes, but I told them I HAD to be Leonardo) Totally rocked the beard, right?!
Lord, my profile angle's not the best, lol.
It's been called a "nose of character"...or was it a nose of a caricature?
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